Announcing ILTA EVOLVE conference: 2.5 days about security, AI challenges, and opportunities in the legal industry.
Our friends Ken Jones, Chief Operating Officer of Xerdict Group, and Joshua Smith from Ogletree Deakins are Co-Chairing ILTA’s inaugural EVOLVE conference in Charlotte from April 29th through May 1st. ILTA […]
Legal Tech Talent Network launched, providing unique recruitment solutions to the legal technology vertical
The Legal Tech Talent Network offers traditional recruiting solutions along with recruitment marketing and employer branding programs geared toward employers in litigation, eDiscovery, Cybersecurity, and Big Data. Litigation Support Careers […]
Recruiting Cybersecurity Professionals: Where do we find them?
Cybersecurity concerns are fueling large investments by companies reacting to constant security threats worldwide. This will translate into new career opportunities for in-house legal IT professionals, new companies popping up […]