Legal Tech Talent Network

Finding the educational sessions is easy enough, but what about all those recreational and networking events happening around the ILTACON19 venue next week?  Here is a partial list of events taking place each day (check back for updates, email us your event to have it added to this list):

Please note this list is comprised of events that are “open to all”, or “open to all who register in advance”, click links for details (invite-only events are excluded)


8:30 am 21st Annual ILTA Golf Tournament: Rob Brindell Memorial

7:00 pm Opening Reception: Welcome to a Whole New World


6:30 am Fun Run/Walk

6:30 am Yoga

6;30 am Zumba

7:00 pm Exhibit Hall Opening Reception: A Whole New World of Possibilities


6:30 am Yoga

6:30 am Zumba

5:00 pm International Reception

5:00 pm LGBTQI+ Reception

5:00 pm Women Who Lead Reception

5:00 pm Young Professional Reception

5:00 pm ILTACON Social (Litera)

5:30 pm Cocktails, Canapés, & Conversations happy hour (casepoint)

6:30 pm ILTA\’s Backyard Bonanza



6:30 am Yoga

6:30 am Zumba

4:30 pm Community Cocktail Reception (ACEDS)

5:00 pm ILTACON Social (Litera)

5:30 pm ILTACON2019 VIP Cocktail Social (DISCO)


6:30 am Yoga

6:30 am Zumba

6:30 pm Closing Event: A Whole New World Game Show Finale


If you are hosting an event during ILTACON2019 and would like it to be added to this list, please email with your event details and a link.


List compiled for informational purposes only, LSC Network is neither a sponsor nor a partner of the events listed.